
Football Performance Tools

Our season analysis and manager search dashboards support decision-making in major clubs around the world.

Using data can benchmark impartially performances and help decision makers. Data should never be ‘the answer’ but its use can be very powerful in helping clubs analyse and monitor performance and understand the effects of different decisions.

We are constantly monitoring clubs performance in leagues across Europe, running simulations of the entire season to assess the likelihood of all outcomes for all teams. Our bespoke team platform allows stakeholders to set targets for their team for the upcoming season. We then monitor and assess performance on an ongoing basis relative to these targets – giving users full overview of the teams prospects in their dashboard and helping inform decisions on when and how to act.

This online dashboard is updated daily, allowing users to measure and benchmark performance beyond the simple points that are seen in the league table.

We track over 1,000 teams, and 10,000 coaches in various leagues across the world. Automated systems track each team’s performances over the time each coach was at each club in order to assess the impact they made, whether each club improved over their tenure, and by how much. We then aggregate this over multiple clubs to see if a coach is consistently improving performance.

“Sports4Cast quietly and diligently provided a hugely valuable service to Sunderland throughout the season. This came to a climax in January 22, when we were looking for a new head coach.

Sports4Cast’s platform allowed us to run analysis over more than 10,000 coaches cutting through the hype and human bias to impartially evaluate each head coaches performance. Obviously, we were delighted with the results!”

James Young – Head of Data & Analysis – SAFC

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